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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Checking for RV Water Damage

RV EDUCATED? Take the Test and See
By Mark Polk

If there is a way to get in your RV, water will find it. Water leaks on an RV can cause extensive damage and can be extremely costly to repair. When I worked at an RV dealership I saw the damaging effects that water can cause to an RV time and time again. I learned the lesson the hard way. I appraised a unit that was being traded in and didn't identify the extensive water damage, which resulted in a thousand dollars worth of repairs. Hindsight is 20/20 and I quickly learned how to inspect for, and identify potential water damage on RVs. I mention inspecting your RV for water damage in my “Winterizing and Storing Your RV” video and in my “Checklists for RVers” e-book. My recommendation is that you inspect for potential water leaks twice a year at a minimum, once in the fall and again in the spring.

Every seam on your RV and anywhere the manufacturer cut a hole in your RV has the potential to allow water in. To protect your investment and your wallet take the time to REALLY inspect all of these seams and sealants. Water damage on an RV is similar to progressive damage to a tire. The outside of the tire looks fine, but the internal damage over a long period of time causes the tire to fail without any warning. The outside of your RV looks fine but the internal damage caused by water over a long period of time can result in the entire roof, floor or wall rotting away without you knowing it.

1) Delaminating is caused by water getting between the exterior fiberglass and the sidewall. When this happens the exterior fiberglass separates from the sidewall of the RV.
True or False

2) Discoloration or wrinkles in the wallpaper, and soft spots on the walls or around any other openings that were cut in the side walls indicate potential leaks.
True or False

ANSWERs to RV Educated Quiz:

1). T

2). T

Happy Camping

Mark Polk

Copyright 2007 by Mark J. Polk owner

RV Expert Mark Polk, seen on TV, is the producer & host of America's most highly regarded series of DVD's, videos, books, and e-books.

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