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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Checklist For Buying A Used Motorhome

Used Motorhome Checklist - Points To Save Your Money
By Sam D'costa

Buying an used motorhome can be sometimes very hectic and isn't simple. It can become very difficult when you are planning to live in the motorhome for any amount of time.

For this reason, it is always essential to have some important checklists to go over to see any problems you might be facing after buying a used RV Motorhome. Sellers usually don't tell you the problems they know of, as the saying goes "Buyers Beware". The dealer will make his commission no matter how long the RV was in use, so it is up to you to make sure you get the best deal.

Not to waste any more time, some key points have been presented to look over when planning to buy a used motorhome.

Checking the Engine and Oil

Engine and Oil is the lifeblood for any vehicle. Checking the oil would be a great start to ensure the condition of the engine. If the oil smells burnt, you may have a problem on your hands.

Rust Condition

Rust is the natural breakdown of iron and metal. RVs travelling in those parts of the country having snow and salt will be more prone to rust. Purchasing used motor homes from the south can help this rust problem, but they will cost a bit more. If there is structural rust on the frames, it is better to avoid those motorhomes as they are at their end of life.

Service Records

Service records will show the proper maintenance of the motorhome maintained by the previous user. It will also show you the number of previous user of that RV. And if they fail to provide any paperwork, its advisable not to settle for that used motorhome.

Motorhome Financing

Finance companies offer better options for certain RV builders, on certain models especially those that have low depreciation. The purchase of an used motorhome should be done without a thorough inspection of the finance options attached to that RV.

According to me, learning enough about used motorhomes to make an educated buying decision is just another good common sense. What you learn before you get the used motorhome will certainly carry over into what you will need to know to keep your motorhome in proper shape.

Sam D'Costa is well known professional in Online Marketing and web promotions
used motorhome dealer

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