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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Living in an RV - What Do You Do All Day?

Living in an RV - What Do You Do All Day?
By Gary Pierce

Living in an RV sounds like fun but what do you do all day once you are at the campground?

Pretty much whatever you like...but let's be a little more specific. Let's say we are at Thousand Trails in Sunriver, Oregon in August.

In our favorite campgrounds in the west, morning coffee at the clubhouse was the start of the day. At 6:30 the main building would be open and the coffee hot. There would always be some fellow early risers that would sit and chat over the first cup. You can have a 7:30 and 8:30 group as well, if you don't do early anymore.

Ideas are exchanged and the day is sometime planned with the early morning group. If Joe is going into town to stop at Camping World or Home Depot you might go together...or ask Joe to pick up X for you. Living in an RV involves a little maintenance but not much. Fellow RVers are always willing to help out.

If you want to hike, the hikers gather at the clubhouse at 9AM. Today they are taking 3 cars and going to the gorgeous Smith Rock north of Bend. After a brisk 2 hours or hiking, they stop for lunch at the Black Butte Inn for a are even calorie wise, burger vs. the hike. Back at the park by 2PM.

During the summer you can rent canoes and take a slow paddle down the Deschutes whitewater stuff, just a gentle current. You leave at 1PM your pickup will be at 3PM by the bridge. One thing is paramount in on this trip. You and your bride must be on the same page. Also as in any boat there is room for only one captain. You listen carefully to your wife's suggestions...ignore them...and do your manly thing in the stern. I swear we went in circles for a while. Living in an RV means doing things you may have not considered at do them in a campground're at camp!

After your canoe adventure, you start making plans for dinner. Your buds Mike and Shelley are 3 coaches down and Shelley is whipping up a chicken pizza with ranch dressing. Yum. Your responsibility is wine and the salad. Happy hour starts at 5PM and you have most of the world's problems solved by 6...the pizza's ready.

RVers are not known to be night owls and we return to the coach to watch a little TV at dark. In bed by 9PM.

Living in an RV...what do you do all day? Tomorrow the gals are shopping...You and Mike may go fishing...heard they are biting at Crane Prairie...sounds like another busy day. Enjoy.

Gary Pierce is the webmaster of he retired early at 49, he is still retired at 63. He has experience in lifestyles that are both fulfilling and frugal. More on RV life. It is 2009 and many are wondering if they can ever retire. Don't give up until you check out this website. Enjoy.

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